Driving Madeleine

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Event times:

19:30 - 21:00

Event location:

draíocht Blanchardstown

Event price:


About this event

Draíocht in association with Access Cinema presents Driving Madeleine, showing in Wednesday 29 May 2024. Frustrated and stretched thin, Charles is a Paris cab driver who honks with impatience when he arrives at Madeleine’s home to pick her up.

At 92, she’s moving out of her house and into a nursing home all the way across the city.

Through her honesty and wisdom, she helps Charles find his own footing as he reflects on his home life and a marriage on the brink of divorce. Famous French singer, Line Renaud, as the bright Madeleine, serves a beautiful foil to Charles, played by comedian Dany Boon, who breaks new ground with a layered performance that develops to a moving climax.

Dur: 90 minutes, France, 2022

Language: French with English Subtitles

Tickets €7.50 / €6 conc

Readers are advised to check with the venue before relying on the details published here.

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