Heavenly Flowers, The Hamilton Field Book of Flowers

  • Family friendly
  • Free to visit

Friday, 24 May 2024 - Sunday, 22 September 2024

Event times:

09:45 - 17:30

Event location:

Chester Beatty

Event price:


About this event

Books of hours are Christian prayer books used at fixed times throughout the day. These devotional books were especially popular between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries and no two are exactly alike.

This exhibition focuses on an exquisite fifteenth-century illuminated example from the Chester Beatty Collections.

The full-page calendar illustrations are one of its most original features, one of only two fully-developed sets of landscapes in French art from the first half of the fifteenth-century. While many illustrations are devoted to agricultural activities—hay harvest, wine making and sowing seeds—some scenes depict the leisure activities of the wealthy—courtly love, hunting and banquets. Free admission.

Mon to Sat 9:45am - 5:30pm

Wed 9:45am - 8:00pm

Sun 12:00pm - 5:30pm

Readers are advised to check with the venue before relying on the details published here.

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