Lunchtime Talk: Andy Warhol and Philosophy

  • Free to visit

Thursday, 23 November 2023

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Hugh Lane Gallery

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About this event

Andy Warhol and Philosophy; From the Sublime to the Superficial to Sublime Superficiality. Lecturer: Dr Connell Vaughan

Andy Warhol’s life and work have been interpreted in many ways. Be it as a prophet of celebrity and the power of images, a sign of the vacuous commercialisation of contemporary culture, or a legitimate target for assassination, he continues to attract heated discussion. In this talk, I will specifically consider the concepts that a variety of philosophers have deployed to interpret Andy Warhol. I will, for example, detail how Arthur Danto used Warhol’s work to argue for a theory of art that emphasises the essential role of the “conceptual atmosphere” of the artworld.

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