Mamlujo: Finnegans Wake as a Work in Progress

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Event times:

12:00 - 16:30

Event location:

The James Joyce Centre

Event price:


About this event

See this collection of the various instalments in honour of the 100th anniversary of the first one displayed in the gorgeous Maginni Room.

Displayed in the gorgeous Maginni Room, visitors will get to see first-hand how Work in Progress evolved. Its staggered publication throughout the 1920s and 1930s are laid bare in a series of original copies of journals, pamphlets, and booklets.

From the first “Mamlujo” episode of 1924 to “A Phoenix Park Nocturne” in 1938, the exhibition has an array of rare texts and illustrations. Included are reactions to Work in Progress, such as Our Exagmination Round His Incamination of Work in Progress (1929), illustrations by Joyce’s daughter Lucia and Stella Steyn, a signed copy by Joyce of Anna Livia Plurabelle (1929), and items from the Frank Budgen Collection.

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