Mandy, Indiana

Friday, 9 February 2024

Event times:

20:00 - 22:30

Event location:

The Workman's Cellar

Event price:


About this event

Singular Artists presents Mandy, Indiana - a four-piece experimental noise band that formed out of the fertile Manchester scene - live at The Workman's Cellar, Dublin this February.

The group initially came to fruition after vocalist Valentine Caulfield and Scott Fair met sharing a bill with their former projects. Joined by Simon Catling (synth) and Alex MacDougall (drums), they have together generated a sound that is at once chaotic and precision engineered, where chance operations are manipulated into percussive geometries, and gnarled guitars sit in thickets of distortion around which vocals spin knots of lyrical repetitions.

Readers are advised to check with the venue before relying on the details published here.