Sandpaper on Sunburn

Thursday, 10 October 2024 - Saturday, 12 October 2024

Event times:

20:00 - 22:00

Event location:

The Civic Theatre

Event price:


About this event

The personal becomes political in ‘Sandpaper On Sunburn’ by David Horan, a funny and fascinating exploration of identity and family. Part of Dublin Theatre Festival.

Freya’s always been sensitive. Difficult, some say. Funny how those words have started to mean the same thing. Jack is four and he’s having a meltdown because his Grandad won’t let him play with the birthday candles. His Auntie Freya’s also having a meltdown. She’s twenty-four but is hers really any different?

Presented By: David Horan & Verdant Productions

Duration: 120 mins. One interval

Thu 10 - Sat 12 Oct at 20:00 + Sat 12 Oct at 15:00

Tickets €26 / €24 Concession

Readers are advised to check with the venue before relying on the details published here.

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