Sister Act

  • Family friendly

Tuesday, 12 November 2024 - Saturday, 16 November 2024

Event times:

19:30 - 21:45

Event location:

draíocht Blanchardstown

Event price:


About this event

Coolmine Musical Society is delighted to be taking to the stage with Sister Act, the musical based on the 1992 hit movie of the same name.

In this story, Deloris – a Disco Diva - witnesses a murder and her life takes a surprising turn, as she’s hidden in the most unlikely place for her – a convent! With a little persuasion, she helps the struggling choir to find success, and helps her fellow sisters find their true voices. As we get into the habit, we promise that this feel-good show will answer your prayers for joy, entertainment and a few surprises. It will leave you feeling Fabulous Baby!

Duration 2 hrs 15 (inc interval)

Readers are advised to check with the venue before relying on the details published here.

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