TEN by Mary O'Connor

  • Family friendly
  • Free to visit

Saturday, 31 August 2024 - Saturday, 28 September 2024

Event times:

15:30 - 18:00

Event location:

SO Fine Art Editions

Event price:


About this event

SO Fine Art Editions are delighted to present TEN, a solo exhibition of paintings and screenprints by Mary O'Connor. This dynamic and vibrant show continues until 28th September 2024.

Mary O’Connor’s artistic journey reflects a personal exploration of movement and migration, both in the physical and metaphorical sense. This exhibition, TEN, captures the essence of her ten years back in Ireland, while celebrating the impact and influence that travelling across continents throughout her life has had on her work. This has resulted in artworks that are both visually striking and thematically profound.

O’Connor’s work is characterised by flat, gestural compositions that make use of bold, abstract geometric designs. She makes paintings, screen prints, and large-scale wall murals that are influenced by the various vast landscapes she has encountered. She lived in Belize and Kazakhstan before repatriating to Dublin in 2014.

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