Trailing a Sea-Weed Cord: Contemporary Irish and Nigerian Poetry Launch

  • Free to visit

Saturday, 1 February 2025

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James Joyce Centre

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About this event

The James Joyce Centre is proud to host the Irish launch of a phenomenal new collection of Nigerian and Irish poetry.

Trailing a Sea-Weed Cord: Contemporary Irish and Nigerian Poets on Wole Soyinka’s ‘Ulysses: Notes From Here to My Joyce Class’ is an extraordinary endeavour that fuses Ireland and Nigeria’s rich literary heritages. This year marks the 91st birthday of Professor Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian Nobel Laureate for Literature, who while imprisoned in 1966 wrote a poem entitled “Ulysses: From Here to my Joyce Class.” In honour of Prof. Soyinka, five Irish poets selected by Poetry Ireland and five Nigerian poets each contributed a poem inspired or reacting to his poem.

The launch will feature readings and commentary by Aduke, Darina, Liz Kelly of Poetry Ireland, and contributors to the book.

Free event, booking advised.

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