The Jesus Trilogy by JM Coetzee

Wednesday, 9 October 2024 - Saturday, 19 October 2024

Event times:

19:00 - 22:00

Event location:

Project Arts Centre

Event price:


About this event

Hatch Theatre Company in association with Once Off Productions and Mermaid Arts Centre present a new adapted work for stage based on novels by Nobel Prize recipient & double Booker Prize winner JM Coetzee, to premiere at Dublin Theatre Festival 2024

Award-winning Hatch Theatre to bring to life a trilogy of novels by J.M. Coetzee. This exciting new triptych called THE JESUS TRILOGY explores the legacy of memory, the nature of passion, power, politics and dance. The play is adapted for stage by Eoghan Quinn in collaboration with director Annabelle Comyn. This is an epic, universal drama exploring parenthood, the collective and the individual, legacy, passion, justice, life and death.

Set in a post Judeo Christian world that explores what might replace our desire for answers. It is a story of this family - and what it is to be a family, and parent a child with our own inherited behaviours, and the story of how societies/nations inherit a past that informs their present processes.

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